Monthly column by Jelena Mihić Munjić inBiznis Magazin, CEO at Kreston MDM.
How labor Law regulates work from home, Biznis Magazin 170
How parallel tax depreciation calculations will be conducted, Biznis Magazin 169
New tax and financial rules starts in 2020, Biznis Magazin 167/168
Removal of Serbia from the gray list of tax jurisdictions, Biznis Magazin 166
News on the announced changes to the tax Law, Biznis Magazin 165
News on Draft law on accounting, Biznis Magazin 164
How to document payment of transportation fee, Biznis Magazin 162-163
End of July – Deadline for consolidated financial statements for 2018, Biznis Magazin 161
Taxpayers risk controls, Biznis Magazin 160
Simplified employment of seasonl workers, Biznis Magazin 159
Determining property taxes for those who keep buissines books, Biznis Magazin 158
Changes in tax balance for 2018, Biznis Magazin 157
The procedure of low value public procurement is abolished, Biznis Magazin 155/156
Double Taxation treaties, Biznis Magazin 153
Lump sum tax liabilities, Biznis Magazin 152
The Reasons for Introducing Central Invoice Registry_Biznis Magazin 146
The Benefits of Applying Altered IFRS for SME_Biznis Magazin 145
Truly Stimulative Measures, Finally_Biznis Magazin 143-144
When the CEO Should Pay Taxes and Contributions_Biznis Magazin 136
What the Changes of the Law on VAT Brought_Biznis Magazine 133
Here you can find the columns of our experts which are published onEkonomski.netportal.

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